There’s a post over at Performancing talking about comments and trackbacks which made me go doh! when I read it. I never imagined people who write about professional blogging would be so poorly informed when it comes to comment and …
Wordtracker Trial Down
Wordtracker free trial version is currently down. This is what I saw when I went over to their site: We regret that the free trial is currently unavailable.Our servers have just been subjected to a denial of service attack that …
A random manupulation thought
I wonder how many searches it takes a term to make it to Technorati Top Searches? The rest is just technicalities….
Google Ads in Gmail
It’s been a while since Google has inroduced what they call web clips and what I’d call either RSS reader combined with Google ads or an extension of Google personalized home page in Gmail. What’s always been making me wonder …
When poor design hits the right spot
We have all seen sites that are basically one-page sales letters with design as ugly as can be. They lack any elements a normal site is suposed to have, like proper navigation, they are incredibly long and can take many …
Blackhat not-to-do list
There was a thread in the syndk8 forums discussing the footprints some less eperienced black hat SEOs are likely to leave behind when producing their sites. The thread was much brader than this post as it went into discussing the …
Google pages overload
Well after reading for the umptieth time on an umptieth blog about Google Pages, I thought I’d go and make me one, just for the heck of it. And what do I see at their login page but this: Due …
Technorati turns into an online newsreader – sorta
Today I went to Technorati to search for something and noticed a new interface tweak – apart from the recently introduced authority filter, Technorati now offers you to search in either all blogs or your favourite blogs. To use this …
Eejit email spammers
I got a spam email today. Its title looked scary at first glance, all this stuff about PayPal and warning notifications, ya know… But I know better than that so I looked at the full headers and what do I …
Black hat SEO tool reviews
I have been approached by a number of people asking me if I can “spread the word” about their tools if they offer them to me for free. This issue is especially itchy for those tool developers since spam advertising …